The new report “Unlocking a Better Future” lays the scientific foundation for the conference Stockholm+50. And researchers at Mistra ustainable Consumption have written a bakground paper for it. 

In 1972 UN arranged an environmental conference in Stockholm called “The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment”  or “the Stockholm conference” Now 50 years later a lot of different conferences and events are taking place between June 2-3. As a background for this, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) have issued an ambitious report that’s called “Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future”. It maps out the environmental state of the world right now.

Fair consumption
Göran Finnveden, professor KTH and Program Manager at Mistra Sustainable Consumption have written one of the background papers for this together with Carl Dalhammar, Associate Professor Lund University. It’s called “Making governance better for fair and sustainable consumption” and is about how we politically can govern towards a more sustainable and fair consumption.

Read the background paper Making governance better for fair and sustainable consumption here.  

Read the whole report Stockholm+50: Unlocking a Better Future  here.



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