Ett par som cyklar i en stad

Transition with Empowerment

The sustainability transition involves more than just new technologies and fossil-free solutions. In a recent scientific article, researchers examine how adaptability, empowerment, and locally available resources can promote sustainable practices. When studying...
Hög med mat framför sopor

Food Activists Show the Way to Sustainable Economies

Foodwaste in Denmark. PHOTO: Thor Nielsen/CC BY-NC-SA Food waste activists are creating a climate-friendly and socially just economic model without the need for large financial capital. They achieve this by treating their activities as a commons for food, according to...
Tre bilder, en på en person täckt i olja med titeln på programmet. Och två bilder från programmet där Karin BRadley och Jörgen Larsson intervjuas.

New TV series about the history of climate change

Photos from 'Händelserna som förändrade klimatet' PHOTO: UR/Faktabruket The TV series 'The Events that Changed the Climate' ("Händelserna som förändrade klimatet") recently premiered on SVT. This historical documentary series features, among others, our researchers...

What Covid-19 taught us about sustainable travel

COVID-19 led to global travel restrictions that impacted the way we spent our holidays. Researchers have now explored what these travel behaviors can teach us to support the transition to more climate-smart holiday options in a new scientific paper.  Between March and...
Transition with Empowerment

Transition with Empowerment

The sustainability transition involves more than just new technologies and fossil-free solutions. In a recent scientific article, researchers examine how adaptability, empowerment, and locally available resources can promote sustainable practices. When studying...

“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

BILD: Andrea Linerstad, kulturarvspedagog och Maria Nelenius, lärare. Del av spelet till höger. "The Game of Consumption" was developed by researchers at KTH and Linköping University for Mistra Sustainable Consumption. But now, a museum educator and a middle school...