Lowering VAT on Food Could Increase Acceptance of a Meat Tax
Despite the climate and health benefits of taxing red and processed meat, such a tax lacks widespread support among the public and policymakers. However, a new study shows that acceptance increases when the tax is offset by lowering VAT on other food items. Red and...
Responsibility Beyond the Individual – A Summary of Four Years of Research
From efficiency to sufficiency: a new article summarizes the results from the first four years of Mistra Sustainable Consumption. The research program Mistra Sustainable Consumption is now in its eighth year. A recent article summarizes the findings from the program’s...
Mistra SC at COP29: How can we reduce consumption-based emissions in the Nordic countries?
PHOTO: Göran Finnveden participating via video link during the climate summit in Baku. Common Nordic rules for the production of goods, a focus on emissions in public procurement, and fewer opportunities for tax deductions on business travel by car – these are some of...
Citizen or Consumer? How Our Values Drive Sustainability
PHOTO: Tetiana Lazunova & Dzmitry Baranau, Mostphotos Values are our fundamental beliefs about what is important and right. To tackle the ecological crisis, a shift in values is needed, according to several researchers from KTH and others. Hanna Eggestrand...
New Report: These Policies Could Reduce Nordic Emissions
In a new report personally delivered to the Swedish Climate Minister Romina Pourmokthari (L) today, researchers examine which policy measures are most effective in reducing consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions in the Nordic countries. The researchers focused on...
Transition with Empowerment
The sustainability transition involves more than just new technologies and fossil-free solutions. In a recent scientific article, researchers examine how adaptability, empowerment, and locally available resources can promote sustainable practices. When studying...
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Sustainable Consumption and Researchers’ Answers
Can we eat meat if we want to meet climate goals? What will we consume in the future? Who bears the greatest responsibility for solving the climate issue – consumers, companies, or politicians? These and many other questions are answered in our FAQ. In "FAQ -...
Food Activists Show the Way to Sustainable Economies
Foodwaste in Denmark. PHOTO: Thor Nielsen/CC BY-NC-SA Food waste activists are creating a climate-friendly and socially just economic model without the need for large financial capital. They achieve this by treating their activities as a commons for food, according to...
New TV series about the history of climate change
Photos from 'Händelserna som förändrade klimatet' PHOTO: UR/Faktabruket The TV series 'The Events that Changed the Climate' ("Händelserna som förändrade klimatet") recently premiered on SVT. This historical documentary series features, among others, our researchers...