Pappersåse med texten call for abstracts

Call for abstracts for big conference about sustainable consumption

SCORAI Europe Conference 2025 will bring together 400-500 researchers and practitioners concerned with sustainable consumption to make progress on mainstreaming sustainable consumption.  This conference focuses on the challenges, strategies, and successes of...

Webinar: Relational approaches to power in sustainability transitions

Watch a webinar by Helene Ahlborg, Associate Professor at Chalmers in a series of webinars about consumption and power.  Encompassing systemic change of societies involve the destablisation and reproduction of power hierarchies in struggles over influence and control....

French fashion companies resist fast fashion – embracing “sufficiency”

Long-term sustainability, quality, and fairness are the guiding principles for French "slow fashion" companies developing their business models on the concept of "sufficiency." – These companies focus on consumers' actual needs, in contrast to fast fashion companies...
Museipedagor och lärare med ett fat med munkar och en bild på spelet på ett bord.

“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

BILD: Andrea Linerstad, kulturarvspedagog och Maria Nelenius, lärare. Del av spelet till höger. "The Game of Consumption" was developed by researchers at KTH and Linköping University for Mistra Sustainable Consumption. But now, a museum educator and a middle school...
“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

BILD: Andrea Linerstad, kulturarvspedagog och Maria Nelenius, lärare. Del av spelet till höger. "The Game of Consumption" was developed by researchers at KTH and Linköping University for Mistra Sustainable Consumption. But now, a museum educator and a middle school...