Function and social arguments makes sustainable business models sell

Circular business models based on renting, repairing or sharing things such as furniture or models based on using recycled materials are becoming increasingly popular. These types of business models are most easily sold with messages based on how it can simplify the life of the customer, for example that it can be easier to rent or use products when needed, rather than owning them. Our research show that this type of messaging is better than environmental arguments.

Read more:

Borg, D., Mont, O., and Schoonover, H. (2020). Consumer Acceptance and Value in Use-Oriented Product-Service Systems: Lessons from Swedish Consumer Goods Companies. Sustainability12(19), 8079.

Schoonover, H.A., Mont, O., Lehner, M., (2021). Exploring barriers to implementing product-service systems for home furnishings. Journal of Cleaner Production 126286.

Mont, O. Lehner, M. and Schoonover, H. (2020). Business Models for Sustainable Consumption: Inspirational Examples from the Furniture and Home Textiles Sectors. Mistra Sustainable Consumption Report 1:9.



Posted on

3 February, 2022

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