We can achieve 40% less carbon dioxide emissions today

It is already possible to reduce emissions from Swedes’ consumption of food and home furnishings as well as holiday trips by up to 40%. This would not require any new technology or infrastructure investments – it can be achieved with adjustments within the existing system

Read more here:

New report – How to reduce your personal emissions by 40%

Scientific publications:

Carlsson Kanyama A., Nässén J., and Benders R. (2021) Shifting Expenditure on Food, Holidays and Furnishings could Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Almost 40%, Journal of Industrial Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13176

Carlsson Kanyama A., and Dunér F. (2020). 40% mindre växthusgasutsläpp från konsumtionen här och nu – Beräkningar givet ändrad konsumtion av mat, semestrande och inredning. Mistra Sustainable Consumption, Rapport 1:6. Stockholm: KTH.

Kamb, A., Lundberg, E., Larsson, J., & Nilsson, J. (2021). Potentials for reducing climate impact from tourism transport behaviorJournal of Sustainable Tourism29(8), 1365-1382.

Kamb, A., Lundberg, E., Larsson, J., and Nilsson, J. (2020). FLYGRESORNA OCH KLIMATET -Utsläppsminskningar och acceptans för klimatsmartare alternativCFT-RAPPORT 2020:01.


Posted on

3 February, 2022

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