A webinar about sustainable consumption and power with professor Doris Fuchs at the University of Münster. 

Prevailing narratives of sustainable consumption tend to turn a blind eye on power dynamics and how they shape our everyday consumption practices. Although some improvements in social standards and the environmental impact of production have been achieved, overall resource consumption is ever increasing.

Yet, a comprehensive sustainability transformation is urgently needed to face the socio-ecological crises of the present. In this light, the lecture explores the structural barriers a sustainability transformation is facing and which have to be overcome to enable sustainable consumption practices.

About Doris Fuchs
Professor Doris Fuchs is Director at the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS) and Professor for Sustainable Development at the University of Münster. She is a political scientist, and her research includes questions on the relationship between democracy and sustainability, sustainable consumption, and transnational sustainability governance. Professor Fuchs has published extensively on sustainability transitions and sustainable consumption and also placed focus on power issues in these contexts.

Åsa Svenfelt, Linköping University and Mistra Sustainable Consumption

Arranged by
Mistra Sustainable Consumption

Recorded April 26th 2024.

The lecture is given within the lecture series: Power in sustainability transitions. The target audience for the series is researchers and PhD-students. The series will highlight different perspectives of power dynamics in sustainability transitions. The series is organized by Mistra Sustainable Consumption, in collaboration the Department of Technology and Social Change and Centre for Local Government Studies – CKS, at Linköping University.



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