Sweden may become the first country in the world to have a consumption-based climate target. This would include emissions both in Sweden and abroad that are caused by Swedish consumption.

But what kind of consumption is compatible with climate commitments? What will we eat? How will we travel?

In the webinar below there are presentations from several studies that focused on consumption patterns in different countries that are compatible with climate targets. Differences and similarities between the studies and their results are presented. Possible policy implications are discussed in a panel. The unanimous suggestions from the Swedish all-parties committee on environmental quality objectives are also presented.



How does the Swedish based consumption-based climate goal work?
Emma Nohrén, chair in the Parliamentary committee (Swedish Green Party, MP) (30 min)

Examples of studies of consumption in line with climate targets: (45 min)

1.5-degree lifestyles – converging towards a fair consumption space
Magnus Bengtsson,
Policy Lead Hot or cool institute

Neither technology, nor behavioral changes, will save the climate! 
Jörgen Larsson, associate professor Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg

Luxembourg in Transition – Net zero by 2050
Claudia Hitaj, Research Associate, Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology

Four low-carbon futures for Sweden in 2050
Göran Finnveden, Professor, Program Director Mistra Sustainable Consumption, KTH

What can these major consumption changes lead to?

Åsa Persson, Stockholm Environment Institute
Doris Fuchs, University of Münster
Emma Nohrén, chair in the Parliamentary committee (Swedish Green Party, MP)
Oksana Mont, Professor in sustainable consumption governance, Lund University
Jorge Laguna Celis, Head of the 10YFP Secretariat, UN Environment

Moderator: Robert Höglund, Independent climate advisor.


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