Watch a webinar by Helene Ahlborg, Associate Professor at Chalmers in a series of webinars about consumption and power. 

Encompassing systemic change of societies involve the destablisation and reproduction of power hierarchies in struggles over influence and control. While a lot of the politics involved can be understood by classical power theory centred upon the agency of actors and role of institutions, these fail to make visible the many ways in which infrastructures, artefacts, technological systems and planning processes exert pressures and embody relations of dominance and control.

Relational and sociomaterial approaches to power offer analytical purchase for understanding power exercises in complex webs of human-technologies-nature.

Helene Ahlborg is Associate Professor at Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology. Her research concerns energy futures in East Africa and societal transformation. She studies power, politics and governance in relation to technologies, and how these relationships co-develop with society. Further, how provision of electricity services, based on renewable energy resources, impacts on people’s lives and transforms rural communities and local economies.

Series for PhD-students
The lecture is given within the lecture series: Power in sustainability transitions. The target audience for the series is researchers and PhD-students. The series will highlight different perspectives of power dynamics in sustainability transitions. The series is organized by Mistra Sustainable Consumption, in collaboration the Department of Technology and Social Change and Centre for Local Government Studies – CKS, at Linköping University.

Recorded June 5, 2024

Power and sustainable consumption
Power and the state in degrowth transformation